How Publicis Sapient is ensuring inclusive workplace for the LGBTQ community

A significant portion of the Publicis Sapient workforce consists of the LGBTQI+ community. The company is a strong supporter of the community. Every year it celebrates the PRIDE month with strong pride and zeal. The celebration isn’t limited to changing its logo to rainbow color, but it goes beyond it.

In fact, Publicis Sapient has dedicated chapters – PRIDE, Men of Color Alliance (MOCA), Women Leadership Network (WLN), etc. that constantly work throughout the year to empower the communities and offer them opportunities to thrive.

The company chapters regularly organize internal and external programs that support the community and work to address the challenges of the community. The programs are led by Roveena Tampon – a strong ally of the LGBTQI+ community.

Publicis Sapient also runs internal email campaigns to spread awareness of the challenges faced by the community, to foster solidarity among the employees and build a more inclusive culture at the company. You can read more about it in numerous Publicis Sapient Bangalore reviews.

Similarly, the company runs programs such as enABLE that empower people with disabilities (PWDs) in the workforce. The company has a significant number of PWD employees in the workforce. 

All in all, Publicis Sapient does everything in its capacity to build an increasingly inclusive workplace. 

How Publicis Sapient is ensuring inclusive workplace for the LGBTQ community How Publicis Sapient is ensuring inclusive workplace for the LGBTQ community Reviewed by Sapient Work Culture on June 24, 2022 Rating: 5

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