How does Publicis Sapient ensure growth of employees

Publicis Sapient has several processes which ensure that employees are learning and growing. Here are some of the popular ones:

1. Enable Your Potential (EYP) – EYP is a quarterly process. It assesses each employee’s skills against a framework. It also involves a face-to-face interaction with stakeholders, managers and senior leaders to track the growth of each individual employee.  You can read more elaborately about the EYP process in Publicis Sapient reviews. 

2. O3 (One-on-One) – Each employee has a face-to-face interaction every week with their people manager. This ensures that employees are constantly getting feedback and learning about ways to improve their performance.

3. Internal Trainings – Publicis Sapient organizes hackathons, webinars, and many other events to keep employees abreast of the latest business trends. So, employees can keep themselves updated. Irrespective of your domain, you will get plenty of opportunities to attend events and showcase your skills.

4. Fun activities – Publicis Sapient organizes fun activities where employees indulge in fun activities, such as photography, painting, etc.

How does Publicis Sapient ensure growth of employees How does Publicis Sapient ensure growth of employees Reviewed by Sapient Work Culture on September 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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