7 things a woman should remember to grow in her career fast

If you Google a topic for career growth, you will be bombarded with all the informationSometimes, it’s overwhelming to read every general piece of advice, since we want ideas applicable to our industry and experience level. 

I believe career counselling should be taken from leaders/mentors/coaches who navigated the same world you are trying to navigate now. Hence, I prefer gathering information from Industry leaders and mentors working in the IT industry, preferably women leaders. 

I believe career counselling should be taken from leaders/mentors/coaches who navigated the same world you are trying to navigate now. Hence, I prefer gathering information from Industry leaders and mentors working in the IT industry, preferably women leaders. 

We had an internal “Ask Me Anything” session with our senior leader Sanjay Menon, MD, Publicis Sapient India, last week. While listening to Sanjay, I could collate a few points which everyone should follow for steep career growth. 

To customize these points and make them relatable to women, I listen to various women leaders in Publicis Sapient, and friends from other IT organizations.

7 actions to boost your career

  1. Planning: Exploring new opportunities and identifying a career goal is critical for individuals. As it sets the pace and avenues for learning opportunities within and outside the organization.  

  2. Consistent Learning: Continuous learning with a goal was also advised by Sanjay Menon in his last session addressing Indian employees. One should never stop learning - be it online courses, new technologies or exploring new avenues. Read Publicis Sapient employee reviews on learning opportunities provided inside the organization and their impact.

  3. Networking: With many IT organizations still supporting work from home, you may be working remotely. However, physical interactions on a one-to-one basis are needed for networking. Hence, find different methods that work for your situation and make connections. Connections go a long way in growth opportunities.

  4. Having a positive mindset: Nurturing mental health is crucial for long-term success. Hence, have a positive outlook on the world and indulge in happy moments often.

  5. Get a mentor: Having multiple mentors for personal and professional life goals is crucial for women. You may read Publicis Sapient reviews of women leaders to understand their career journey. Approach a friend who has navigated similar life goals along with professional success. I have done it and continue to do so for my growth plan.

  6. Focus on healthy work-life balance: In your current job, create a work-life integration so that you achieve personal and professional goals in harmony. Both are equally important for sanity and a sense of fulfilment.

  7. Regularly review your career progress: As trends in the IT world keep changing, you may need to adapt to your growth plan periodically. Measure your progress and check whether the path you choose is relevant to the present situation.


7 things a woman should remember to grow in her career fast  7 things a woman should remember to grow in her career fast Reviewed by Sapient Work Culture on October 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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